Customised and Wholesale Vacuum Dispensing Pump Engines in Vacuum Bottles made of PET, PE and PP. Sizes range from 10 ML to 100 ML, with plastic and metal alternatives available. The bottles are elongated and cylindrical in shape. Various printing designs are available. the colour of the PP/metal model can be changed.
The package includes Toner Bottle, Lotion Bottle, Cream Pump Bottle, Mist Spray Bottle, Tube Hose, Essential Oil Bottle, Cream Jar and other skin care products.
Customizable for different capacities,bottle shapes, printing processes,etc.
Customizable paper box packaging is also available.
We are a professional skincare packaging manufacturer.
Main Volume: 5ml, 10ml, 15ml, 20ml, 30ml, 50ml, 80ml, 100ml.
Bottle neck size: 13mm, 15mm, 18mm, 20mm, 24mm.
Made of glass material, various bottle body craftsmanship can be customized.
Paired with various Droppers, can make UV, Aluminum, Nitrile, Silicone, etc.
Customizable logo, Craftsmanship, Printing, etc.
Used for various Skincare, Cosmetics, Chemical and other products.
Below is a list of some of our featured products.
Make Contact to Receive More Comprehensive Assistance.
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