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Skincare Packaging (2)
Daily Use

Skincare Packaging Design with Blooming Distinct Charm

The excellence of skin care packaging design lies not only in its visual aesthetics, but also in the integration of brand soul, product characteristics, innovative ideas, and emotional dialogue with consumers, allowing each product on the dazzling array of shelves to blossom with its own charm.

Glass Cream Jar With Gold Cap (6)
Daily Use

What are cream jars used for?

cream jarshigh visibility, mess-free dispensing, and airtight nature make them ideal for keeping and selling viscous substances in the cosmetic, medical, food, and domestic domains

01 vacuum operation principle
Daily Use

What is the working principle of the airless bottle?

Airless bottles often have a pump or a push-button mechanism at the top. When the user presses the pump or button, it releases the vacuum seal, allowing the product to be dispensed. As the vacuum is released, the piston or diaphragm moves up, pushing the product out of the bottle.

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