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Autumn Team Building -10th Anniversary of STENG & SONGMILE PACKAGING

Autumn is the most beautiful season of the year, with cool temperatures and colorful scenery, making it perfect for traveling. Ningbo STENG Packaging CO., LTD, which is 10th anniversary with Songmile.


On November 3rd, all employees of Songmile Packaging & Steng Commidity went to the beautiful lakeDongqian Lake, for a team building activity. wow~~


Group presentations, team games, barbecue beer, and funMonopoly gamesmake us feel the importance of joy and collaboration.

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Our customers are like our friends, Paolo and Savadora, who came all the way from ITALY, as well as our partners Michael and Ada, also participated in our team building activities. Happy~


We have been established for over 10 years since 2014. We have grown from an initial team of 3 people to a team of 50 people today. The growth rate is very fast and cannot be separated from everyone’s support. Not only us, but also our children, our families, all participate in our activities.


Let’s have a 10th anniversary cake together to celebrate the company’s birthday.


I hope that in the next 10th yeares, we will continue to enjoy beautiful scenery together!!!


I hope that in the next 10th yeares, we will continue to enjoy beautiful scenery together!!!

Autumn Team Building -10th Anniversary of STENG & SONGMILE PACKAGING

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We are 10 years old!

Autumn Team Building -10th Anniversary of STENG & SONGMILE PACKAGING Autumn is the most beautiful season of the year, with cool temperatures and colorful scenery,

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