Botol Airless SM-AB-10

Wadah kanthi tembok sing kandel banget kanggo kosmetik berkualitas tinggi

Asring digunakake ing kemasan barang perawatan kulit kayata lotion, intine, dhasar, lan liya-liyane.

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Katalog Songmile 2022.pdf

Gree Airless Pump Bottle
Green Cap

Prinsip Operasi Vakum

Prinsip Operasi Vakum

Design Processes

Design Processes 1

Manufacturing Plant

Manufacturing Plant

Exhibition Information

Exhibition Information

Certification Information

Certification Information

Our Sale's Team

Our Team's

Ningbo Steng Commodity Co., Babagan kemampuan kanggo ngembangake produk anyar, established in 2020, is a professional packaging material supplier. We mainly produce plastic packaging products for cosmetic, skincare and household care. Such as airless bottles, lotion bottles, spray bottles, lodhong krim, roll on bottles, soft tubes, gendul lenga atsiri, perfume bottles, etc. As well as packaging for daily necessities accessories.

Our company is located near the Ningbo Passenger Transport Center, with an office area of approximately 800, convenient transportation. Our factory is located in Yuyao, the plastic capital of China, covering an area of 28000. We have 60 injection molding machines, over 80 automatic assembly machines, and more than 120 production technicians. We have advanced professional technology and equipment, kalebu desain cetakan, produksi baja, ngecor injeksi otomatis, Déwan otomatis, and testing. We not only provide comprehensive product processing, such as sanding, nyetak, nyemprotake, stamping, plating salaka lan pangolahan liyane, but also have an elite design team, from product sketches to design packaging to 3D samples, including paper box packaging, to provide you with one-stop product packaging solutions.

In terms of management, we adhere to the principle of quality first, strictly controlling every link from raw material procurement to production and processing, and then to finished product testing. We have obtained product certifications such as taun, BV, BSCI, REACH, FDA, etc. to provide a solid product foundation and quality protection. Before the establishment of the company, we had already gained many years of experience in cooperating with many well-known brands around the world. We know how to help our clients create new product lines and gain competitiveness in the market. Steng Commodity packaging to winning the trust and satisfaction of customers with high-quality products and services, and establishing long-term stable cooperative relationships.

Pursuing excellence and daring to innovate, our vision is to become the preferred daily skincare packaging partner for global customers.

Katalog Songmile 2022.pdf

1. Katalog Songmile 2022.pdf?

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Katalog Songmile 2022.pdf: Katalog Songmile 2022.pdf, Katalog Songmile 2022.pdf, Katalog Songmile 2022.pdf, Katalog Songmile 2022.pdf, Katalog Songmile 2022.pdf, Katalog Songmile 2022.pdf.

2. Katalog Songmile 2022.pdf? Katalog Songmile 2022.pdf?
Katalog Songmile 2022.pdf. Katalog Songmile 2022.pdf, Katalog Songmile 2022.pdf.

3. Katalog Songmile 2022.pdf?
Katalog Songmile 2022.pdf.
Katalog Songmile 2022.pdf.

4. Katalog Songmile 2022.pdf?
Katalog Songmile 2022.pdf: Katalog Songmile 2022.pdf &Katalog Songmile 2022.pdf ,Katalog Songmile 2022.pdf&Katalog Songmile 2022.pdf. Katalog Songmile 2022.pdf : Katalog Songmile 2022.pdf , 30% Katalog Songmile 2022.pdf, 70% Katalog Songmile 2022.pdf.

5. Katalog Songmile 2022.pdf?
Katalog Songmile 2022.pdf, Katalog Songmile 2022.pdf. Katalog Songmile 2022.pdf, Katalog Songmile 2022.pdf 30-35 Panelusuran produk.

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Babagan kemampuan kanggo ngembangake produk anyar

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sing nyedhiyakake formulir sing luwih rinci: Botol Airless SM-AB-10

sing nyedhiyakake formulir sing luwih rinci 24 Babagan kemampuan kanggo ngembangake produk anyar, Babagan kemampuan kanggo ngembangake produk anyar Babagan kemampuan kanggo ngembangake produk anyar.

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