
Know about the cosmetic packaging services we provide

1 printing design

Printing Design

We can provide printing design, printing process and other services for your bottles. The bottle body can be made: thermal transfer printing, silk screen printing, bronzing and silver stamping, matte, matte, rubber, anodized aluminum, UV, label stickers and other processes.

2 packaging design

Packaging Design

We can provide carton or other packaging design solutions and make them to make your products more beautiful and more competitive in the market, and open up your supply chain between bottle production and printing packaging.

2 preform customization

Preform Customization

If you have blow molding machines and other machines, we can customize tube blank molds for you and blow them locally, which greatly reduces transportation costs

4 injection mold customization

Injection Mold Customization

We can customize molds for your products and sell molds.

5 oem logo

OEM Logo

We can customize the logo for your product, which can be printed on the bottle body, packing box, outer packing box, osfrv.

6 provide product pictures

Provide Product Pictures

We provide you with exquisite product pictures, videos, sample brochures and other information for your better sales on the platform and market.

7 safety packaging

Safety Packaging

We have a safe packaging service. The products are all individually packaged and optimally stacked to ensure that there is no friction during transportation and the goods are safely in your hands.

8 diverse payment methods

Diverse Payment Methods

We have a variety of convenient payment methods for you to choose: deposit + balance payment, letter of credit, credit sales, documents against payment, documents against acceptance, CITIC Insurance, osfrv.

9 exhibition services

Exhibition Services

We will participate in relevant domestic and international exhibitions every year, and we can present our superior products at the exhibition, and you can also negotiate with us at the exhibition to provide a solid guarantee for online transactions.

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