Koje su vrste plastike, njihova upotreba i prednosti?

Plastics can be processed to form various shapes by a variety of methods, such as injection moulding, calendering and blow moulding. The processing methods are simple and highly efficient.
Plastic Materials 1

Plastics can be classified into the following common types and uses according to their chemical composition and properties.

Polyethylene (PE)
Food and chemical containers, films, plastic bags, and so on. The benefits include minimal costs and straightforward processes.

Polypropylene (PP)
Medical devices, food containers, car interiors, and so on. The benefits include excellent chemical stability and great thermal tolerance.

Plastic Materials 1

Polyvinyl chloride (PVC)
Pipes, flooring, cables, and so on. The benefits include ease of processing and corrosion resistance.

Polystyrene (PS)
Fresh food containers, Styrofoam, and other materials can be used. The benefits include low cost and good insulating capabilities.

Acrylonitrile-styrene-butadiene copolymer (ABS)
Electrical appliance housings, automotive interiors, and so on. The benefits include impact resistance and injection molding.

Polycarbonate (PC)
Optical discs, eyeglass lenses, and other applications. The benefits include a high gloss and exceptional heat resistance.

Plastic Materials 1

Screwdriver handles, gears, and other items. The benefits include excellent strength and abrasion resistance.

Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE)
Nonstick pans, for example. The benefits include great nonstick qualities and high-temperature endurance.

Epoxy resin (EP)
Insulating coatings for electrical and electronic products are used. It has remarkable insulating characteristics.

Plastic Materials 2

Low cost, ease of processing, and high performance are key advantages that make plastics so widely used.


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Koju vrstu pakiranja za njegu kože ljudi preferiraju ovih dana?

U potrazi za ljepotom i prirodom, trenutno pakiranje proizvoda za njegu kože prolazi kroz značajne promjene. Potrošači sve više žele da pakiranje bude privlačno, inovativan, ekološki prihvatljiv, i kulturno značajan. Ovaj se članak bavi suvremenim trendovima pakiranja za njegu kože, procjenu mijenjanja preferencija potrošača kao i komercijalne logike i kulturnih vrijednosti koje pokreću te promjene.

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