What are the materials of shampoo pump head?

Different materials have advantages and disadvantages; producers must select the appropriate material based on brand positioning, cost management, and other variables to create a comfortable and humane bathing experience.
Shampoo Bottle

1.Plastic substance

Low cost and widely utilized in typical pump heads.
PP, PE, and other materials often have a particular level of hardness.
Advantage is inexpensive and easy to manufacture.
Disadvantages: overall feel, lower service life.

2.Metal material

High-end items are typically made of aluminum alloy or stainless steel.
hard and resilient, with good texture.
Advantages include durability, corrosion resistance, and a great feel.
The disadvantage is the high cost of manufacturing.

3.Silicone material

Soft, breathable, non-toxic, and eco-friendly
Comfortable, non-slip feeling
Advantages include skin-friendliness, environmental protection, and high temperature resistance.
Disadvantages include easy aging and deformation.

4.Wooden or natural material

Some brands employ wood and bamboo for pump heads, creating a high-end setting with a unique natural look.
Benefits of environmental preservation, natural, and beautiful texture
Disadvantages include extra processing procedures and higher prices.

5.Composite material

The combination of two or more materials.
Such example a plastic shell lined with silicone.
Advantage is to mix the benefits of each substance.
The drawback is that there are higher process requirements.

In general, different materials have advantages and disadvantages; producers must select the appropriate material based on brand positioning, cost management, and other variables to create a comfortable and humane bathing experience.


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