About Us

Znajte o STENG ambalaži

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Ningbo Steng Commodity Co., doo (STENG PACKAGING) is a global supplier of professional package materials, specijalizirana za plastičnu i staklenu ambalažu. With over 7 years of experience working with the world’s most influential FMCG brands, we know how to help our clients create new product lines.

Our product range includes perfume glass bottles, difuzer boce, boce esencijalnog ulja, cevne staklene boce, roll-on glass bottles, as well as lotion pumps, pumpe za prskalice, and trigger sprayers. We utilize advanced and professional technology and equipment, uključujući dizajn kalupa, proizvodnja čelika, automatsko brizganje, automatska montaža, i inspekcija.

Our company provides a full range of product follow-up processing, kao što je glazura, štampanje, prskanje, štancanje, srebro, i drugi procesi. We strictly implement the ISO9001 quality system in our management to provide a solid foundation and protection for excellent quality.

Our staff of sales and technical support is available to help you select the right choice for your application, as well as to provide you with product samples for evaluation. At STENG, posvećeni smo pružanju najvišeg nivoa usluge kupcima, konkurentne cijene, speedy delivery, and a comprehensive, vrhunska ponuda proizvoda. Naš krajnji cilj je vaše zadovoljstvo.

Cosmetics Packaging

Cosmetics Packaging

Pakovanje za njegu kože

Pakovanje za njegu kože

Who We Are



We are highly professional. We provide you with targeted and effective ways to address your product needs and even increase consumer value through our experienced sales experts.


Give you complete and stable support to your packaging business by utilizing our strong team and rich experience in tooling, design, sales, production, quality inspection and transportation.


Embrace the latest technology and innovation, to create a more comprehensive type of packaging, to achieve sales win-win.

To enrich people’s daily lives and improve the user experience of the product through effective, complete packaging.

Pragmatic to business, Efficiency to implementation, Stability to finished, Enterprising to service.

Always take the customer as the starting point, strike the best balance between product design and solution, price and quality, manufacture and environment.

To build and maintain customer relationships based on trust and credibility, we treat customers with sincerity and professionalism and avoid arrogance at all times.

Associated Website

Our Cooperation

Purchasing Steps

Buyers first visit our website and then send us an inquiry by filling in the form. Our sales experts will quote the buyer after obtaining the purchase information. After both parties confirm all transaction details, we will send samples to the buyer. If the buyer is satisfied with the sample, we confirm the final order.

After the factory has produced the goods, they will be shipped to the country/region where the buyer is located.

Dobijte brzu ponudu

Odgovorit ćemo unutar 12 sati, obratite pažnju na email sa sufiksom “@song-mile.com”.

Također, možete otići do Kontakt stranica, koji pruža detaljniji oblik, ako imate više upita za više kozmetičkih proizvoda za pakiranje ili biste željeli dobiti rješenje po dogovoru.

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